750 ml
Four Roses Small Batch Kentucky Bourbon
Four Roses Small Batch
Discover the quintessence of Kentucky’s bourbon tradition with Four Roses Small Batch, a 750ML bottle that is a harmonious blend of craftsmanship and heritage. This bourbon is a celebration of the distillery’s storied past and its commitment to quality, offering a taste that is both rich and smooth.
Product Details:
- Country: United States, the birthplace of bourbon
- State: Kentucky, known for its distinctive bourbon character
- Brand: Four Roses, a name that resonates with bourbon aficionados
- Spirits Type: Bourbon, a symbol of American spirit
- Spirits Style: Small Batch, a blend of select bourbons for a unique profile
- Taste: A balanced medley of ripe fruit, delicate spice, and mellow oak notes
- Food Pairings: Ideal with smoked meats, hearty stews, or as a refined complement to a cheese board