750 ml
Stellum Black Bourbon Whiskey
$129.99you save $30.00
Stellum Black 'Hunter's Moon' Bourbon Whiskey
Immerse yourself in the rich, warm embrace of Stellum Black ‘Hunter’s Moon’ Bourbon Whiskey, a meticulously crafted spirit that celebrates the transition into the cooler months.
Product Details:
- Country: United States
- State: A blend from Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee
- Brand: Stellum Spirits
- Spirits Type: Whiskey
- Spirits Style: Bourbon, High Rye
- Taste: A robust tapestry of vanilla, butterscotch, ripe mango, bright cinnamon, flamed orange peel, and earthy notes of black plum.
- Food Pairings: Ideal with smoked brisket, or as a contemplative sipper alongside a good book.