750 ml
Elmer T. Lee Single Barrel Bourbon
$299.99you save $90.04
Elmer T. Lee Single Barrel Bourbon
Indulge in the smooth, rich taste of Elmer T. Lee Single Barrel Bourbon - 750ML. Crafted from a single barrel for a unique and flavorful experience, this bourbon is perfect for sipping or mixing in your favorite cocktails. Elevate your drinking experience with every sip.
Product Details:
- Country: United States
- State: Kentucky
- Brand: Elmer T. Lee
- Spirits Type: Straight Bourbon Whiskey
- Spirits Style: Single Barrel
- Taste: Notes of clove, vanilla, and old leather with a balanced fruit, honey, and vanilla flavor profile and a light spiciness.
- Food Pairings: Ideal for sipping or pairing with hearty dishes