750 ml
Penelope Barrel Strength Bourbon Whiskey
$69.99you save $20.04
Penelope Bourbon Barrel Strength Batch 11 Straight Bourbon Whiskey
Experience the rich, complex flavors of Penelope Bourbon Barrel Strength Batch 11. Crafted from the finest ingredients, this 750ML bottle of straight bourbon whiskey offers a smooth, barrel-aged taste with a kick. Savor every sip and indulge in the unique character of this handcrafted spirit.
Product Details:
- Country: United States
- State: Washington
- Brand: Penelope
- Spirits Type: Four Grain Straight Bourbon Whiskey
- Spirits Style: French Oak Stave Finish
- Taste: Expect a subtle sweetness with hints of honey and chocolate on the nose. The French oak imparts spice, yielding a chai-like finish.
- Food Pairings: Pair this exquisite bourbon with hearty dishes like grilled steak, roasted lamb, or aged cheeses.