750 ml
Lalo Tequila Blanco
$49.99you save $10.04
LALO Tequila Blanco Tequila
Unveil the purity of LALO Tequila Blanco, a 750ML bottle of unmatched clarity and taste. This spirit is a tribute to tradition, distilled twice to preserve the authentic flavor of its agave heart. It’s a celebration in every sip, perfect for those who value the essence of a true tequila.
Product Details:
- Country: Mexico
- State: Jalisco
- Brand: LALO
- Spirits Type: Tequila
- Spirits Style: Blanco
- Taste: Crisp, Clean, with Natural Sweetness
- Food Pairings: Versatile with a range of dishes, from tacos to gourmet cuisine