750 ml
Twisted Tea Sweet Tea Whiskey
$26.99you save $10.00
Twisted Tea Sweet Tea Whiskey
Twisted Tea Sweet Tea Whiskey is made with real brewed tea and whiskey, offering a delightful blend of flavors. It’s perfect for those who appreciate a smooth and sweet spirit.Take your taste buds on a wild and smooth journey with Twisted Tea Sweet Tea Whiskey. Crafted with real brewed tea and a touch of lemon, this liquor is sure to convert anyone into a whiskey lover. Savor it straight, as a shot, or mixed into your go-to cocktail. 32.5% ABV/65 Proof. Cheers! 🌟
Product Details:
- Country: USA
- State: Various (available in select markets)
- Brand: Twisted Tea
- Spirits Type: Flavored whiskey
- Spirits Style: Sweet tea-infused
- Taste: Smooth with hints of lemon
- Food Pairings: Versatile - enjoy it on ice, as a shot, or as an addition to mixed drinks. 🥃🍋