750 ml
Ciroc Pomegranate
$33.99you save $1.04
Ciroc Pomegranate Vodka - 750ML
Indulge in the deliciously smooth and vibrant Ciroc Pomegranate Vodka. Made from the finest grapes and infused with the succulent flavor of juicy pomegranate, this 750ML bottle is perfect for any occasion. Treat yourself to a refreshing and flavorful experience with every sip. Cheers to good taste!
Product Details:
- Country: France
- State: N/A (since it’s a French vodka)
- Brand: CÎROC
- Spirits Type: Flavored vodka
- Spirits Style: Pomegranate-infused
- Taste: Crafted with vodka from fine French grapes, CÎROC Pomegranate lends notes of berry - the perfect complement for a delicious new LIMITED EDITION.
- Food Pairings: Ideal for celebrating the holiday season with family and friends. Mix with cranberry juice and garnish with a lime wedge for a signature Pomegranate Passion cocktail.