750 ml
Tequila 818 Reposado
$59.99you save $10.00
818 Reposado Tequila
Experience the exquisite craftsmanship of 818 Reposado Tequila, meticulously produced in the highlands and lowlands of Jalisco, Mexico. Aged in American oak barrels, this tequila presents a luxurious, smooth sip with every pour. Elevate your moments with the award-winning taste recognized for its smooth and complex flavor profile.
Product Details:
- Country: Mexico
- State: Jalisco
- Brand: 818
- Spirits Type: Tequila
- Spirits Style: Reposado
- ABV: 40%
- Taste: A harmonious blend of rich roasted agave with a silky finish, complemented by subtle notes of vanilla and toffee.
- Food Pairings: This versatile tequila pairs beautifully with grilled meats, spicy dishes, and can also be savored on its own or in a premium cocktail.