750 ml
Tequila Asombroso La Rosa Reposado
Asombroso La Rosa 3 Month Bordeaux Reposado Tequila
AsomBroso La Rosa is a unique and award-winning tequila that is aged for three months in French Bordeaux red wine barrels. This innovative process gives the tequila a beautiful rosé hue and a subtly sweet finish. Crafted from 100% blue agave and distilled multiple times, this tequila is smooth, complex, and delightful. Enjoy it neat, on the rocks, or in a cocktail. AsomBroso La Rosa is the perfect tequila for wine lovers and tequila connoisseurs alike.
Product Details:
- Country: Mexico
- State: Jalisco
- Brand: AsomBroso Tequila
- Spirits Type: Tequila
- Spirits Style: Reposado
- ABV: 40%
- Taste: Sweet, fruity, and smooth
- Food Pairings: Cheese, chocolate, seafood, and spicy dishes