750 ml
Hendrick's Orbium Gin
Hendrick's Orbium Gin
Indulge in the unique and enigmatic experience of Hendrick’s Orbium Gin, a limited edition spirit that redefines the boundaries of traditional gin. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this 750ML bottle is a treasure trove of complexity and elegance.
Product Details:
- Country: Scotland
- State: Ayrshire
- Brand: Hendrick’s
- Spirits Type: Gin
- Spirits Style: Contemporary
- Taste: A harmonious blend of classic juniper with subtle hints of yarrow, wormwood, and quinine, culminating in a delightfully floral yet intriguingly bitter finish.
- Food Pairings: Perfectly complements an array of gourmet dishes, from delicate seafood to robust meats.