750 ml
The Botanist Islay Dry Gin
$39.99you save $10.04
The Botanist Islay Dry Gin
Discover the essence of Islay with The Botanist Islay Dry Gin, a meticulously crafted spirit that embodies the unique character of its homeland. This artisanal gin is a celebration of local flora, distilled with precision to capture the heart of Islay’s natural beauty.
Product Details:
- Country: Scotland
- State: Islay
- Brand: The Botanist
- Spirits Type: Gin
- Spirits Style: Dry Gin
- Taste: A complex bouquet of juniper, citrus zest, and a medley of 22 hand-foraged local botanicals, leading to a rich, mellow taste with a hint of sweet spice and a smooth finish.
- Food Pairings: Perfectly complements seafood dishes, light salads, or as a refined base for creative cocktails.