750 ml
Woodinville Straight Bourbon Finished With Toasted Applewood Staves
$129.99you save $30.04
Woodinville Applewood Staves Bourbon Whiskey
Woodinville Applewood Staves Bourbon Whiskey is a rare and delicious whiskey that you won’t find anywhere else. It’s made from 100% locally sourced grains and aged in new charred oak barrels. Then, it’s finished with toasted applewood staves, which add depth and richness to the traditional bourbon notes. It’s perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in a cocktail. Order yours today and enjoy the smooth and rich applewood bourbon experience
Product Details:
- Country: USA
- State: Kentucky
- Brand: Woodinville
- Spirits Type: Bourbon
- Spirits Style: Applewood Staves
- Taste: Caramel, chocolate, spice, apple, berry
- Food Parings: Cheese, nuts, chocolate, steak, barbecue.