750 ml
Legent Yamazaki Cask Finish Bourbon Whiskey
$399.99you save $220.04
Legent Yamazaki Cask Finish Blend
Discover the fusion of East and West in a glass with Legent Yamazaki Cask Finish Blend. This 750ML bourbon is a masterpiece of innovation, aged in Kentucky and finished in Japan. It boasts a rich tapestry of flavors, from nutty citrus to spicy oak, culminating in a harmonious blend that’s both bold and smooth.
Product Details:
- Country: United States
- State: Kentucky
- Brand: Legent
- Spirits Type: Bourbon
- Spirits Style: Yamazaki Cask Finish
- Taste: Nutty, citrusy, spicy oak
- Food Pairings: Complements robust dishes like smoked brisket or rich chocolate desserts